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Examples of good hooks for persuasive essays

Examples of good hooks for persuasive essays

examples of good hooks for persuasive essays

Persuasive Essay Hook Examples 1. Start with An Interesting Fact "Archaeologists believe, based on marks they've seen on mummies, that human beings had tattoos between and B.C. in Egypt."(David shields, 36 tattoos) 2. State A Thesis "Few aspects of the American mythos form such a complex set of relationships with the AfricanFile Size: KB Jan 17,  · 2. Persuasive Essay Hook Examples. Persuasive essays are types of essays that describe a particular subject and provide a strong, logical argument for your position on that subject. Persuasive essay hooks are used to grab the reader’s attention right away. Here are some examples: 1. “I’m the youngest person ever to do this.” 3 Examples Of Persuasive Essay Hooks And General Tips. The most powerful drug on the planet is. The best restaurant to eat out is because. The best person you know is. Living a healthy life is crucial because. Is it ever okay to break the law? A key element of hiring someone is. How much money

Write Good Hooks For Persuasive Essays: 15 Great Hook Examples

Polish your essay introduction if you want to wow your teacher. Add something shocking, funny, or interesting. Right from the start, build an emotional connection. You will use a hook when you want to encourage or intimidate your audience in reading your essays. A hook is the first sentence that examples of good hooks for persuasive essays in your introductory paragraph. Its average length is sentences, but it depends on the essay topic. The hook will show your readers that the content of the essay is worth reading. Some writers will even make the hook go up to several pages. Remember, the hook does not replace is not an essay introduction.

It is an opening line for an introduction. Have in mind a clear vision of the literary work for your essay. You will need to describe the techniques used in supporting the arguments of the given essay type. Have an outline to organize your information and highlight the relevant points to your essay. Choose how you intend to develop your work and know your target audience. Use simple language if you are targeting children. If it is for professionals, use appropriate language. Your choice of the hook should fit your essay.

Know the purpose of the research paper you want to write. If you have an interesting essay topic choice, your hook should be funny. Different types of hooks exist for different kinds of papers, such as research papers and essays. Think about what the reader would be eager to learn or what they are interested in before posing the question, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays. Do not make the questions Yes or No or generalized. We live lives full of strange, interesting, or funny happenings. So, why not attract the attention of your reader using such stories? An anecdote may be something you have imagined or a personal story.

Ensure the story examples of good hooks for persuasive essays relevant to your essay topic, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays. Ideally, an anecdote makes the reader laugh and gives them more interest in reading your essay further. You can use quotes from famous people to explain the relevance of examples of good hooks for persuasive essays essay topic. A statistical hook works when you intend to provide your reader with information. These facts are, in most cases, used in informative or process essays.

Statistical facts are also quotes from famous people, only that, in this case, they present a percentage, number, or figure. When writing a college application essay or a narrative essayit is best to start it with a short personal story. It could be something that happened to a relative or a friend. A description hook describes a scene vividly to the readers to want to read more and more. It is in most cases used in narrative essays but can be used with other types of essays. A metaphor makes a comparison between two unrelated things. Literary quotes are best in a book review. Keep in mind that they may not be appropriate for use with persuasive and expository essays. It shows your reader that what they believe in may not be accurate.

Then, make a connection with your thesis statement. This will force the reader to study further because this hook example aims at creating a disturbance. Use this type of hook to depict that sometimes things are not what they seem to be. They are most appropriate for reflection or explanation essays. In most cases, people can efficiently process and remember visual information. As human beings, we quickly transform words into pictures in mind, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays. Scenes are, in most cases, used in descriptive or narrative essays. A different way to begin your introduction without using the tricks is to go straight to the main statement.

In an argumentative essaythe opening paragraph should be similar to that of a trial. You are supposed to claim persuasively and logically. This comes after you have provided some background information, just like a lawyer begins by presenting an issue. For example, when arguing that all public places should be turned into no-smoking zones because of the adverse smoking effects, use an excellent statistical hook as follows:. You may also want to check argumentative essay topics. A persuasive essay persuades the reader to take a specific action or agree with you by changing their beliefs. The hook sentence in this essay will create curiosity in the reader by making a shocking revelation or stating statistics.

For instance, you can choose to write about the seriousness of the climate change issue and its threat in the world. Start your essay by giving facts concerning the atmosphere:. More than it has been in the past centuries, the carbon dioxide levels have significantly increased. A narrative essay is more like a story, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays. It gives you the freedom to tell your story just the way you want. This is unlike other types of essays where you need to argue and choose a side. You can also check comprehensive narrative essay topics! You may also want to check speech attention grabbers. You might be wondering what it takes to choose the right hook. There exists no single formula in choosing the best hook for your essay.

Knowing your audience and the type of essay you intend to write plays an essential role in selecting the hook. We have provided you with the ultimate essay writing guide to create the best introduction to your essay. Thus, remember that we will provide you with the ultimate solution for all examples of good hooks for persuasive essays essay writing problems. Take advantage of our professional essay writing service if you find it challenging to develop a relevant hook; just click the green button below! A narrative essay is often focused on a personal experience.

However, inspiration from other narrations can help you write a good narrative essay. An argumentative essay is one in which the writer introduces a problem or issue to be discussed, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays. He then backs up his arguments with facts and information to make it easier for the reader to understand the main point of the problem. The purpose of writing an argumentative essay is to show your opinion about a subject, a topic, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays, or a concept…. Do you always wonder how you will best conclude your essay? To some students, this is by far the most challenging part of the essay. They find it even more difficult than choosing a great essay topic, stating a thesis, or even writing a good essay outline.

The top 20 essay introduction examples are the best and most popular introductions to use when writing essays. These examples are easy to read and clearly understand what the author is trying to say in their opening paragraph. These essay introduction examples can be used as templates for future essays…. You can only solve the problems you understand. Below are some common causes of demotivation among writers: Lack of ideas Researching for an essay can drain your creativity. You need the inspiration to…. Attention getters are used in speeches to capture the attention of the audience and keep them engaged throughout. The best ones are often quick, memorable, and presented with enthusiasm. Attention getters can be anything from a startling statement or joke to something as simple as an action that gets people on their feet.

The most important thing is that they work…. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment, examples of good hooks for persuasive essays. Skip to content. Table of Contents. Hello, Tutorsploit visitor. Get helped by Prof. Get the following premium features for free after ordering a custom essay from us:. Order Now. Tired of reading? We get it. Allow our top writers to ace that essay for you at an affordable rate. Follow the steps below:. Write my Essay.

Persuasive Essay Writing

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examples of good hooks for persuasive essays

Persuasive Essay Hook Examples 1. Start with An Interesting Fact "Archaeologists believe, based on marks they've seen on mummies, that human beings had tattoos between and B.C. in Egypt."(David shields, 36 tattoos) 2. State A Thesis "Few aspects of the American mythos form such a complex set of relationships with the AfricanFile Size: KB Jan 17,  · 2. Persuasive Essay Hook Examples. Persuasive essays are types of essays that describe a particular subject and provide a strong, logical argument for your position on that subject. Persuasive essay hooks are used to grab the reader’s attention right away. Here are some examples: 1. “I’m the youngest person ever to do this.” 3 Examples Of Persuasive Essay Hooks And General Tips. The most powerful drug on the planet is. The best restaurant to eat out is because. The best person you know is. Living a healthy life is crucial because. Is it ever okay to break the law? A key element of hiring someone is. How much money

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